In fall 2023, we were awarded the Austrian Ecolabel by the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism for the responsible management of the business and for the organic, regional cuisine with healthy, high-quality food.
The Luftburg once again sets an environmental example
Awarded the Austrian Ecolabel for the first time in 2019, we are particularly proud to have successfully completed the recertification process in fall 2023.
Our sustainable corporate philosophy is not only about enjoyment with responsibility, but also about the well-being of the environment.
Our restaurant was assessed in the following areas on the basis of a comprehensive list of criteria: General management, environmental management, energy, water, waste, air, noise, office, cleaning, chemicals, hygiene, building and living, equipment, food, kitchen, traffic and outdoor areas. Special features, such as our exclusive use of organic food, were also rewarded.
We want to create awareness, optimize the use of resources and minimize our ecological footprint.
Paul Kolarik
The Austrian Ecolabel
The Austrian Ecolabel for tourism, gastronomy and cultural businesses was created in 1996 as a seal of quality that demonstrates a company's environmentally conscious management and social action to the outside world.